משתמש:Jewishprayer/Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair was a Tanna of the fourth generation Bar Yochai.There is a difference of opinion whether he was the father in law of son in law of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair was a very pious and scrupulously honest man. Once two men deposited him with two seah (a quantity) of wheat. After a prolonged absence of the depositors Rabbi Pinchas sewed the wheat and preserved the harvest. This he did for seven consecutive years and when at last the men came to claim their deposit he returned them all the accumulated grain.
Special weight was laid by Rabbi Pinchas on the setting aside of the maser tithes. Once when Rabbi Pinchas was at a city that had been invaded by mice he reproached the citizens saying "Why don't you set aside the tithes as is befitting? Do you wish me to guarantee that if you separate the tithes the mice will no longer consume (the area)? They answered "yes guarantee" and the mice were no longer seen

Even Rabbi Pinchas's donkey behaved differently than other donkeys. Once thieves stole the Rabbi's donkey. They kept it for three days before releasing it on account of its refusal to eat. The donkey returned to the house of its master and stood at the gate. Rabbi Pinchas ordered the gate to be opened for the poor donkey that hadn't eaten for three days. The donkey was given a grain that there was a doubt regarding whether the tithes had been separated from it; this is permitted for animals. The donkey refused to eat. Rabbi Shimon instructed his men to tithe it and said "What can I do if this poor donkey takes stringencies upon itself? (Yerushalmi) That is why it says in Gemara Shabbat " Rabbi Zira said Rabbi Ba Zimuna said: " If the first generation were like angels then we are people and if the first generation were people then we are donkeys and not like the donkeys of R' Chanina Ben Dosa and of R' Pinchas Ben Yair." (Yerushalmi)

Once Rabbi Pinchas went to free some captives. He arrived at a river called Ginai, He said to the river: "split for me and I will pass through". The river said: "You do the will of G-d and so do I do the will of G-d. What you are doing is doubtful because you may not succeed but I surely do the will of G-d". Rabbl pinchas said, "If you don't split I'll decree that water will never pass through you again". And the river split.


"The members (Torah Scholars) and freemen ( pious) are put to shame, those who conform to the Law are held in contempt, the violent and the informer have the upper hand, and no one cares for the people or asks pity for them. We have no hope but in G-d" ( Sota)

The Law, he says, leads to carefulness, carefulness , to diligence; diligence, to cleanliness; cleanliness, to retirement; retirement, to purity; purity, to piety; piety, to humility; humility, to fear of sin; fear of sin, to holiness; holiness, to the reception of the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit, to resurrection (Avoda Zara)

Grave Site:

Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair was buried in the cemetery in Safed.