משתמש:Qanunji/ארגז חול

סלים השלישי ( 28/29 ביולי 1808-24 בדצמבר 1761, תורכית עות'מאנית - سليم ثالث, תורכית מודרנית - Üçünçü Selim), הסולטן ה-28 של האימפריה העות'מאנית. בנו של הסולטן מצטפא השלישי ויורש דודו הסולטן עבד-אל חמיד הראשון. שלט ביאמפריה בין השנים 1807-1789.

עם הכתרתו, ניתלו בסלים תקוות גדולות משום כשרונותיו ומרצו הרב, תכונות אשר חיבבו אותו על העם. הוא התרועע רבות עם זרים והיה משוכנע כי נחוצה רפורמה באימפריה. אולם, אוסטריה ורוסיה לא אפשרו לו להתרכז במשימה זו ורק אחרי שלום יאשי (1792) ניתן לו אורך נשימה באירופה. אך עד מהרה פלישת צרפת למצרים וסוריה חייבה את האימפריה לרכז את מאמציה בחזית זו וסיימה את הברית הארוכה בין צרפת לאימפריה.

Selim III profited by the respite to abolish the military tenure of fiefs; he introduced salutary reforms into the administration, especially in the fiscal department, sought by well-considered plans to extend the spread of education, and engaged foreign officers as instructors, by whom a small corps of new troops called nizam-i-jedid were collected and drilled. So well were these troops organized that they were able to hold their own against rebellious Janissaries in the European provinces, where disaffected governors made no scruple of attempting to make use of them against the reforming sultan.

Emboldened by this success, Selim III issued an order that in future picked men should be taken annually from the Janissaries to serve in their ranks. Hereupon the Janissaries and other enemies of progress rose at Adrianople, and in view of their number, exceeding 10,000, and the violence of their opposition, it was decided that the reforms must be given up for the present. Serbia, Egypt and the principalities were successively the scene of hostilities in which Turkey gained no successes, and in 1807 a British fleet appeared at istanbul, strange to say, to insist on Turkey's yielding to Russia's demands besides dismissing the ambassador of Napoleon (see Dardanelles Operation).

Selim III's tughra, or official sealSelim III was, however, thoroughly under the influence of this ambassador, Sebastiani, and the fleet was compelled to retire without effecting its purpose. But the anarchy, manifest or latent, existing throughout the provinces proved too great for Selim III to cope with. The Janissaries rose once more in revolt, induced the Sheikh-ul-Islam to grant a fetva against the reforms, dethroned and imprisoned Selim III, and placed his nephew Mustafa on the throne, becoming Mustafa IV (1807–08).

The pasha of Rustchuk, Mustafa Bayrakdar, a strong partisan of the reforms, collected an army of 40,000 men and marched on Constantinople with the purpose of reinstating Selim III. But he came too late; the ill-fated reforming Sultan had been stabbed in the seraglio by the Chief Black Eunuch and his men[1], and Bairakdar's only resource was to wreak his vengeance on Mustafa IV and to place on the throne Mahmud II (1808–39), the sole surviving member of the house of Osman.

[edit] The Sultan as Composer, Performer, Patron of the Arts and Poet A great lover of music, Sultan Selim III was a composer and performer of significant talent. He created fourteen makams, melodic types, three of which are in current use today. Sixty-four compositions belonging to Selim III are known, some of which are part of the regular repertory of Turkish classical music performers. Aside from composing music, Selim III also performed on the ney and tanbur.

Selim III's interest in music started in his days as a prince (shahzade) when he studied under Kırımlı Ahmet Kamil Efendi and Tanburi İzak Efendi. He was especially respectful of Tanburi İzak Efendi, and it is recounted that the Sultan stood up when Tanburi İzak Efendi entered the court.

As a patron of the arts, Selim III encouraged musicians of his day including Dede Efendi and Baba Hamparsum. The Hamparsum notation system that he commissioned became the dominant notation for Turkish and Armenian music. His name is associated with a school in Turkish classical music due to the revival and re-birth of music at his court. Selim III was also interested in western music and in 1797 invited an opera troupe for the first opera performance in the Ottoman Empire.

Writing under the nom de plume İlhami, Selim III collected his poetry in a divan. Among regular attendees of his court were Şeyh Galip, one of the greatest Ottoman poets.

Selim III was a member of the Mevlevi order of dervishes, and was entered into the order at the Galata Mevlevihanesi under the name 'Selim Dede'. Selim III's most well-known composition is an ayin, a long and complicated liturgical form performed during the religious ceremonies of the Mevlevis in the suzidilara makam, which was his invention.

He extended his patronage to Antoine Ignace Melling, whom he appointed as the court architect in 1795. Melling constructed a number of palaces and other buildings for the Sultan and created engravings of contemporary Istanbul.