Niqqud עריכה

Hola! The niqqud you added is correct, but just so you know, this word cannot be read Vugute even without niqqud. The rule for the letter Bet says it always has the sound of B and not V at the start of a word. Mbkv717שיחה • ל' בניסן ה'תשפ"ד • 09:26, 8 במאי 2024 (IDT)תגובה
.Mbkv717 Oh, thanks for telling me
Also, just to know, Does that rule also apply to Kaf and Pe, or only to Bet? El Rolo Ueeqeeשיחה 13:49, 8 במאי 2024 (IDT)תגובה
Yes it does, but only for non-loanwords/transliterated names (the difference is that there are two letters that can represent the V sound, Bet and Vav, but only one that can represent the F sound, Pe, so the use of Pe is the only option in cases like Finland or Formosa. The rule also applies for the letters Tav, Dalet and Gimel, but those letters has only one sound in modern Hebrew so this rule affects only the niqqud). Mbkv717שיחה • ל' בניסן ה'תשפ"ד • 18:41, 8 במאי 2024 (IDT)תגובה