משתמש:InproperinLA/ארגז חול/אסירי הרמפרט
אסירי הרמפרט (באנגלית: Rampart-FIPs - ראשי תיבות של Falsely Imprisoned Persons) הם אלו שלגבם קיים תיעוד של הפללה, פסק דין מהיר ומאסר שווא, במהלך חקירת סקנדל-הרמפרט (1998-2000). הם נידונו למאסר על ידי בית המשפט המחוזי של לוס אנג'לס, קליפורניה. מספרם נאמד באלפים. רובם ככולם אפרו אמריקנים ולטינוס.
PA 2006 scandal report Rampart Reconsidered by the Blue Ribbon Review Panel documented their ongoing false imprisonment -hardly any were freed over the past decade, and senior police, prosecutors and judges were documented as refusing to allow their release.[3][4][5] The same report also documented that all investigations of the affair, their own included, were failures and fundamental facts in the matter were not yet known. From the perspective of a decade, review of the published materials, and additional evidence accumulated regrading the justice system in Los Angeles County, may allow better evaluation of the causes underlying the scandal. Regardless, the ongoing confinement of the Rampart-FIPs was concluded to be a human rights disgrace of historic proportions.[6][7]