הערה: לאחר הפרסום, ייתכן שיהיה צורך לנקות את זיכרון המטמון (cache) של הדפדפן כדי להבחין בשינויים.

  • פיירפוקס / ספארי: להחזיק את המקש Shift בעת לחיצה על טעינה מחדש (Reload) או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5 או Ctrl-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-R).
  • גוגל כרום: ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-Shift-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-Shift-R).
  • אדג': להחזיק את המקש Ctrl בעת לחיצה על רענן (Refresh) או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5.
function getParamValue ( paramName )
    if ( !location.search ) return null;
    var m = RegExp("[&?]" + paramName + "=([^&]*)").exec( location.search );
    if ( m ) {
        try {
            return decodeURIComponent( m[1] );                                // decodeURIComponent cannot handle Windows-1255 encoded hebrew
        } catch( err ) {
            try {
                return decodeURIComponent( unescape( m[1] ) );                // unescape only handles ASCII %00-%FF (this will corrupt unicode chars)
            } catch( err ) {}
    return null;

function encodeTextToWikiURL ( text )
    return encodeURIComponent(text).replace(/%2F/g,"/").replace(/%24/g,"$").replace(/%2C/g,",").replace(/%3A/g,":").replace(/%40/g,"@");

// ------------------------- run only once -------------------------

function runOnlyOnceCheck()                                                   // check if any function was loaded twice and remove the earlier instance
 try {
    var functsOnlyOnce = [];
    for ( var i = onloadFuncts.length-1 ; i >= 1 ; i-- )                      // check all onload functions from end to beginning,
    {                                                                         // not including the current function
        var name = /function *([^ (]*)/.exec(onloadFuncts[i].toString())[1];  // get function name
        if ( !name ) name = onloadFuncts[i].toString();                       // if it doesn't have a name - use the function's text
        if ( functsOnlyOnce[name] )                                           // if a function with the same name already exists,
            onloadFuncts[i] = function emptyFunctDummy() { return; };         // replace it with an empty function
         else functsOnlyOnce[name] = true;
 catch ( e )

if ( !doneOnloadHook ) onloadFuncts.splice ( 0, 0, runOnlyOnceCheck );   // if the window "load" event hasn't fired yet -
                                                                         // insert runOnlyOnceCheck as the first function to be executed

// ---------------------------- import scripts ------------------------

mImportScript( "User:Mikimik/js/displayRemoteInfoInline.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org" );              // display remote page info in an iframe

if ( !getParamValue("createRemoteInfoFrame") )
    importStylesheetURI ("http://he.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/css&title=User:Mikimik/js/shared.css");  // shared CSS

    mImportScript ("User:נתנאל בר-אור ל/popups-strings-he.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org"); // hebrew skin for the Pop-Up
    mImportScript ("User:Lupin/popups.js", "http://en.wikipedia.org");                     // Pop-Up

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/partolStatusInEditList.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");  // patrol status in history page and contributions page

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/autoStandardContent.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");   // auto standardize page in edit mode

//    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/externalLinkAutoFix.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");   // replace links with templates in edit mode

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/customizeBars.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");         // customize the sidebar and the personal toolbar

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/customizeTabs.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");         // customize page tabs

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/customizeContent.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");      // customize content area

    mImportScript ("MediaWiki:SubPagesLink.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");                // adds a link to the page's subpages

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/sisterwikis.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");           // create sister wikis box

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/ShortNSSearch.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");         // search using short name spaces

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/displayLocalInfoInline.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");  // show local information below a page headline

    mImportScript ("User:Cacycle/wikEd.js", "http://en.wikipedia.org");                    // wikEd in-browser text editor

    mImportScript ("MediaWiki:EditSummaryLengthLimit.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");      // make sure edit summary does not exceed byte limit

    mImportScript ("MediaWiki:Gadget-EditReplace.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");          // adds a replace option to toolbar in edit mode

                                                            // add warnings to user talk page and next to user name in diff view and after rollback
    if ( wgContentLanguage == "he" ) mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/autoUserWarnings.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");

    mImportScript ("MediaWiki:Gadget-DiffBytes.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");            // shows byte size difference in history page

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/customizeWLRC.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");         // customize Recent Changes and Watch List

    mImportScript ("User:Mikimik/js/patrol.js", "http://he.wikipedia.org");                // patrol mode

    mImportScript ("MediaWiki:Gadget-ExpandedSubcategoryDetails.js", "http://he.wikiquote.org");  // shows the number of subcategories, pages and files in each category in category pages

    importScriptURI ("http://localhost/wiki-js/local_he.js");                              // *** local_he.js on the local machine ***