משתמש:Mynameisy/צביה ברזניץ

דף זה אינו ערך אנציקלופדי
דף זה הוא טיוטה של Mynameisy.
דף זה אינו ערך אנציקלופדי
דף זה הוא טיוטה של Mynameisy.

צביה ברזניץ פרופסור מן המניין באוניברסיטת חיפה, ראש מרכז אדמונד י' ספרא לחקר המוח בלקויות למידה, וראש המעבדה למחקר נוירוקוגניטיבי. בשנת 1983 קיבלה תואר דוקטור לפסיכולוגיה מטעם האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. בשנת 2007, הקימה ברזניץ את מרכז אדמונד י' ספרא לחקר המוח בלקויות למידה ומכהנת בראשותו מאז. ברזניץ נשואה לפרופסור שלמה ברזניץ ואם לשתי בנות.

פרסומים ==


  • Breznitz, Z., Rubinsten, O., &Molfese, D. (In press). Listening to Many Voices:

Reading, Writing, Mathematics and the Brain. Springer Publishers, New 

York, NY, USA (Book).

  • Breznitz, Z. (ed.). (2008). Brain Research in Language. Springer Publishers,

New York, NY, USA (Book) 

  • Breznitz, Z. (2007). Fluency in reading: Synchronization of processes. 

Mahwah, NJ, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers (Book). 

  • Breznitz, Z. (In press). Neurolearning: Optimizing Reading Enhancement. In Z. 

Breznitz, O. Rubinsten, & D. Molfese (eds). Listening to Many Voices: 

Reading, Writing, Mathematics and the Brain. Springer Publishers, New 

York, NY, USA (Chapter). 

  • Breznitz, Z. (2008). Brain Research in Language. Brain Research in Language. 

Springer Publishing Company. New York, NY, USA. (Chapter) 


  • Breznitz, Z., & Share, D. L. (1992). Effects of accelerated reading rate on memory for text. Journal of Educational Psychology84(2), 193.
  • Breznitz, Z. (2003). Speed of phonological and orthographic processing as factors in dyslexia: electrophysiological evidence. Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs129(2), 183-206.
  • Katzir, T., Shaul, S., Breznitz, Z., & Wolf, M. (2004). The universal and the unique in dyslexia: A cross-linguistic investigation of reading and reading fluency in Hebrew-and English-speaking children with reading disorders.Reading and Writing17(7-8), 739-768.
  • Nevo, E., & Breznitz, Z. (2011). Assessment of working memory components at 6years of age as predictors of reading achievements a year later. Journal of experimental child psychology109(1), 73-90.
  • Bitan, T., Lifshitz, A., Breznitz, Z., & Booth, J. R. (2010). Bidirectional connectivity between hemispheres occurs at multiple levels in language processing but depends on sex. The Journal of Neuroscience30(35), 11576-11585.
  • Horowitz‐Kraus, T., & Breznitz, Z. (2011). Error Detection Mechanism for Words and Sentences: A comparison between readers with dyslexia and skilled readers. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education58(1), 33-45.
  • Breznitz, Z., & Fabian, L. (2012). Reading in L1 and L2: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence: A Comparison Between Regular and Dyslexic Readers. In Current Issues in Bilingualism (pp. 217-239). Springer Netherlands.
  • Breznitz, Z., & Leikin, M. (2001). Effects of accelerated reading rate on processing words' syntactic functions by normal and dyslexic readers: Event related potentials evidence. The Journal of genetic psychology162(3), 276-296.
  • Breznitz, Z., & Leikin, M. (2000). Syntactic processing of Hebrew sentences in normal and dyslexic readers: electrophysiological evidence. The Journal of genetic psychology161(3), 359-380.
  • Breznitz, Z. (2005). Brain activity during performance of naming tasks: Comparison between dyslexic and regular readers. Scientific Studies of Reading9(1), 17-42.
  • Breznitz, Z. (1987). Reducing the gap in reading performance between Israeli lower-and middle-class first-grade pupils. The Journal of Psychology121(5), 491-500.
  • Breznitz, Z. (1997). Reading rate acceleration: Developmental aspects. The Journal of genetic psychology158(4), 427-441.
  • Breznitz, Z., DeMarco, A., Shammi, P., & Hakerem, G. (1994). Self-paced versus fast-paced reading rates and their effect on comprehension and event-related potentials. The Journal of genetic psychology155(4), 397-407.
  • Breznitz, Z. (2008). The origin of dyslexia: The asynchrony phenomenon. The SAGE Handbook of Dyslexia. London: SAGE Publication Ltd, 11-29.
  • Breznitz, Z. (2004). Introduction on regular and impaired reading in semitic languages. Reading and writing17(7), 645-650.
  • Breznitz, Z., Shaul, S., Horowitz-Kraus, T., Sela, I., Nevat, M., & Karni, A. (2013). Enhanced reading by training with imposed time constraint in typical and dyslexic adults. Nature communications4, 1486.
  • Horowitz-Kraus, T., & Breznitz, Z. (2013). Can reading rate acceleration improve error monitoring and cognitive abilities underlying reading in adolescents with reading difficulties and in typical readers?. Brain research.
  • Chuntonov, O., & Breznitz, Z. (2012). Optimizing Reading Enhancement: Evidence from Brain Research. In Reading, Writing, Mathematics and the Developing Brain: Listening to Many Voices (pp. 83-112). Springer Netherlands.

ראו גם


לקריאה נוספת


קישורים חיצוניים


http://ejsafra.haifa.ac.il/index.php/people/people-principal-investigators?uid=43, קורות חיים באתר המרכז. http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/159760, הבטחה: מהפך באבחון לקויות למידה פרופ' צביה ברזניץ מבטיחה כי מבחן חדש לאבחון ליקויי למידה "אלו"ל", יחסוך להורים אלפי שקלים.

הערות שוליים


04 2014