משתמש:Ronlevy777/Others-Based Management

Others-Based Management

Others-Based Management (OBM or OBAMA), is the process of shifting the manager’s focus from the goals of the company and the managers onto the goals and contributions of employees, clients, and co-workers. This approach suggests that by placing focus on the goals and input of others, managers can increase revenue and success, as well as creating a working relationship that is beneficial for everyone involved.



Practitioners of the OBM management system refer to every person in their life, including managers, employees, coworkers, clients, spouses, siblings, children, parents, and friends, as “Partners”. The designers of the system propose that thinking of all of these people as teammates and equals allows OBM management-users to focus more on how both members of the partnership can benefit from each other in their interactions. The system encourages practitioners to value all Partners equally, and proposes that a happy family life can lead to a happy business life, and vice versa.

Comparison to Other Management Styles


While the majority of modern management styles focus on profit first, or on the business team as an abstract concept, OBM encourages a focus on encouraging profit and team success through individual interaction and the promotion of communication and reflection. The designing team behind the OBAMA system maintains that most other management styles focus entirely on profit and the company’s benefit, and insists that this must be changed in order for businesses to reach their full potential.

Potential Benefits


By using the OBAMA management, managers have the potential to reap several different benefits. The emphasis on expressing appreciation for Partners can open lines of communication and lead to more fruitful relationships with coworkers, and a focus on others can result in calmer, more caring leadership, which can, in turn, lead to better business results. The application of these practices in social relationships can lead to an enrichment of the personal life and the deepening of important bonds between family and friends, which will overall increase happiness and feelings of satisfaction. It can also be noted that these improvements in outlook and communication, as well as the accompanying increase in business success, will create a positive impact on upper management figures and potential new employers, as well as on coworkers, clients, and employees.

The creators of the OBM theory have released an OBM-based PC application designed to increase the frequency and effectiveness with which managers follow the Others-Based Management strategy. The belief behind this application is that the common person is unaccustomed to taking time out of their day to focus on their Partners, and that scheduling in moments for reflection and positive interactions can be helpful in promoting better management system. This tool collects information about the user and their Partners, as well as their working schedule and how much time they want to dedicate to focusing on inter-personal interactions.The application pops up reminders, advice, and inspirational images and videos at frequent intervals to encourage proper OBM behavior, and, in line with recent research on the use of gamification as a tool for learning success, users collect points and level up based on how many of theseactions they complete.