
דף זה אינו ערך אנציקלופדי
דף זה הוא טיוטה של Superyona.
דף זה אינו ערך אנציקלופדי
דף זה הוא טיוטה של Superyona.
Bitcoin embassy

Bitcoin Embassy, or Bitcoin Embassies [in plural] are physical venues which are committed to accelerate and facilitate the adoption of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin embassy tel-aviv

Achuzat bait 1, 63302, Tel Aviv

300 sq meters,

Street level (in-front of the Israeli stock exchange)

Doors opened: novemberer 2013

The bitcoin embassy in Tel Aviv is the first bitcoin embassy in the world to open it’s doors to the public in November 2013.

part of an informal cypherpunk organization and physical meeting place around bitcoin and it’s open source community.

Described as ‘headquarters of the revolution’ the embassy has helped community to setup hackatons (needs to fill in more detail) conferences (should be extended and also involvement of the bitcoin association which resides and meets at the bitcoin embassy), parties (to be extended) and other community events such as a weekly satoshi sq (explained).

The embassy had installed the first bitcoin ATM in Israel, also got depicted in media.

Values of the embassy:

(manifest open source community)

welcome to the new economy,

here you can ask, share and talk

new decentralised cryptocurrency

this is an open source community,

Bitcoin accepted.

Donation based informal organization, run by it’s ambassador volunteers. The embassy is a decentralized form of organization. It uses the bitcoin blockchain to cooperate between parties Part of the open source bitcoin movement the embassy is an open social club that runs on the values of meritocracy. Projects

are discussed in monthly ambassadors meetings, protocols are posted and are public record.

The embassy was founded by Ayal Yona Segev and Gitai Zach, but very soon other ‘ambassadors’ came on board, Moran Yemin which helped write the embassy’s manifest, Eli sklar,

(list of ambassadors: Moran Yamin, Eli sklar, gil Assayag, gadi ruchin, Ariel horvitz, Sara weisner, nada ivgi, shaul kefir, assaf bahat, shmuel

Honorary ambassadors (meni, peter tod, adam back?) List of prominent visitors (adam back, Jonathan roach, Peter todd, Jimmy Wales, vitalik butterin)

Insignia : pins, promotional material,logo, ticker, wall plack

Part of the open source bitcoin movement the embassy is an open social club that runs on the values of meritocracy.

From the media: