
תגובה אחרונה: לפני שנתיים מאת Zblace

Hi! I am interested in English translation and more information on their early work as part of my research. If anyone is interested in translating their Wikipedia page and advancing info on Wikidata and media on Commons - get in touch! Zblace - שיחה 10:09, 13 בינואר 2021 (IST)תגובה

== Automatic translation into English ==

Emblaze " (Emblaze Ltd) was a member of a high-tech company headquartered in Israel , traded on the Stock Exchange in London . The company's head office was in Raanana .

Table of Contents 

history editing

The first years of the company editing In 1994 , Eli Reifman , Naftali Shani , Carmel Sharon and Tzuri Daboosh founded the company Geo Interactive, which later changed its name to Emblaze. [ Source required ]

"Geo Interactive" has developed technology for video digital on CD at a time when the media in computers was limited to text and images mainly. Using technology that they created the products Training (titles), including a simulator for identification friend or foe to the air forces and aircraft in the world, lessons in geography to middle schools in the United States , tool guidance to banks Swiss in foreign trade and more.

The company's breakthrough was when in 1996 the company introduced a technology it developed for broadcasting digital media ( video , sound , images and animations) on the Internet (Streaming Media). In October of that year was issued to the company on the AIM in London worth an unprecedented for the same period of 160 million dollars and within a short time Reifman to become a millionaire . Other offerings in 1998 and 2001 brought the company another $ 400 million and reached a peak value of about 8 billion dollars . The four partners managed to sell some of their shares before the dot-com bubble burstIn 2000 and earned that $ 40 million dollars each. In 2000 .

Reifman initiated projects and many technological framework that produce mobile phone developed in Israel, claiming that the Israelis do not fall talents which Finnish owners of Nokia . The first project in the cellular field, which was named "AlphaCell", failed after about 20,000 units were sold in Israel. Reifman continued to pursue his dream and acquired a factory for the production of mobile devices in Korea . The deal and the company in Korea were managed by CPA Itzik Yonah, later the initiator of the Korea Business Conference , and one of the experts in the field of Korea in Israel. After two years and about $ 300 million in sales, this venture also failed. [1] Reifman did not give up and in cooperation with Sharp and other Israeli companies in the cellular fields, Emblaze set up the "ELSE" project to build a revolutionary mobile device [2] . This project was discontinued in mid- 2010 . [3]

Acquisition of control of Formula Systems editing In September 2006, Emblaze acquired the control in a holding company of high-tech Formula Systems controlled by Dan Goldstein and FIMI , in exchange for $ 67 million. Emblaze financed the purchase through $ 40 million that was in its coffers and raised the rest of the amount in loans in exchange for mortgaging the company’s shares. [4]

Following the acquisition, most of Emblaze's operations were in Formula Systems , which employs over 5,000 people with an annual turnover of over half a billion dollars.

In September 2010, Emblaze sold control of Formula Systems for about $ 139 million. [5]

The market value of Emblaze peaked in 2000 with a market cap of $ 8 billion (about 36 pounds to share ). Since the shares crashed consistently low of about -0.11 pounds.

The struggle for control of society editing In 2003 , Reifman acquired the holdings of the other two founders of Emblaze, Carmel Sharon (for NIS 115 million) and Tzuri Dabush (for NIS 85 million), and reached a holding of about 30% of the company's shares. [6] In 2006 , an attempt was made to take over the Emblaze Group from an American hedge fund called the Sturm Family Foundation of Denver, Colorado . After the Emblaze board of directors approached the fund with a request to state its intentions in case they take over, the fund officially clarified that its plans include closing down many activities and selling the group in parts.

In response, Reifman began increasing his holdings in the stock out of his personal fortune (about $ 60 million) and additional loans he took from many entities including my " gray market " man Narcissus. [7] In June 2006, Emblaze withdrew $ 70 million from its coffers to purchase part of Reifman's shares to enable it to finance the private bonds it issued. [8]

The personal debts accumulated by Reifman due to the wars of control are estimated at a quarter of a billion shekels. Immediately after his victory at the shareholders' meeting, Reifman's situation began to deteriorate rapidly, with two of his 30 creditors submitting a receivership application to the Tel Aviv District Court . The court appointed a special director to collect his assets, and ordered Reifman to transfer the shares of Emblaze in his possession to the special director. After the shares were not transferred on the date set for it, Reifman was charged with contempt of court and sent to 45 days in jail . Following this, the board of directors of Emblaze suspended him from all his positions in the company. [9] In July 2011 , the Tel Aviv District Court convicted Reifman of fraud, forgery and use of a forged document. [10] and sentenced him to four years in prison.[11] In 2012, Shelly Narkis sued Emblaze, claiming that Reifman had signed a mortgage deed according to which he mortgaged shares in the Emblaze company worth NIS 99 million. [12]

In a claim for damages in the Emblaze case, the Central District Court ruled that attorneys representing the Double You Trading Fund, which granted a loan to Reifman, would pay the fund NIS 5.5 million and a similar amount would be paid to the Emblaze Fund and its secretary, Eli Reifman. And Emblaze and its secretary will pay these lawyers NIS 2.3 million and the Winton Fund NIS 6.7 million. [13]

Sale of the company to Alexander Granovsky editing In March 2009, the Fortissimo Fund became a stakeholder in the company when it reached a 16% stake in Emblaze. [14] In 2010, the company sold all its operations and remained a stock market skeleton with a cash position of about $ 140 million. In 2013, Ukrainian businessman Alexander Granovsky acquired control of Emblaze with the aim of getting his hands on the company's cash register. [15] The cash was intended for the acquisition of control of IDB Holding Company , together with Nochi Dankner , but the acquisition did not materialize. [16] Also the company name was changed to BSD Crown. Next, use Emblaze's cash register to purchase the controlling shares in the food importer Wilifod from the brothers Zvi and Yossi Williger for about NIS 285 million. [17]In July 2015, three years after acquiring control, Alexander Granovsky decided to leave his business in Israel and sold the company to Ukrainian businessman Gregory Gortoboy. [18]

In January 2018, Gregory Gortoboy and Alexander Granovsky were charged with theft by a licensee , receiving anything fraudulently under aggravated circumstances , fraud and breach of trust , money laundering offenses and reporting offenses. According to the indictment, Granovsky and Gortoboy placed the funds of the public companies under their control (formerly BSD Emblaze and Willy Food Investments ) as collateral in favor of banks in Austria and Azerbaijan, in order to secure repayment of loans to foreign private companies related to Granovsky. This fact was not brought to the attention of the public companies, their officers and institutions, and was hidden from the public companies while presenting false representations, avoiding obtaining approvals from the companies' institutions as required and without proper public reporting. [19]

Pity there is no more info on web technology inovation they did. TNX --Zblace - שיחה 21:14, 19 בספטמבר 2021 (IDT)תגובה

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