יחידה:Citation/CS1 – הבדלי גרסאות

תוכן שנמחק תוכן שנוסף
אין תקציר עריכה
מאין תקציר עריכה
שורה 8:
properties_cats = {}; -- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance
function local_date( date, format )
return mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate(format, date)
function local_date( datedate_string, format )
if format==nil then
if date_string:match("^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") then --year month day format
format = 'j xg Y'
elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month day, year
format = 'j xg Y'
elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day-initial: day month year
format = 'j xg Y'
elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +%d%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month/season year
format='F Y'
--list of accepted formats derived from Citation/CS1/Date validation - in case we may want to localize them later
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d?–[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month-initial day range: month day–day, year; days are separated by endash
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d?–[1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day-range-initial: day–day month year; days are separated by endash
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d? +%a+ – [1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day initial month-day-range: day month - day month year; uses spaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d? – %a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d?%a?$") then -- month initial month-day-range: month day – month day, year; uses spaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d – [1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day initial month-day-year-range: day month year - day month year; uses spaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d – %a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month initial month-day-year-range: month day, year – month day, year; uses spaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d–%d%d%a?$") then -- special case Winter/Summer year-year (YYYY-YY); year separated with unspaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d–[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- special case Winter/Summer year-year; year separated with unspaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d% – %a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month/season year - month/season year; separated by spaced endash
--elseif date_string:match ("^%a+–%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month/season range year; months separated by endash
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d%d%d?–[1-9]%d%d%d?%a?$") then -- Year range: YYY-YYY or YYY-YYYY or YYYY–YYYY; separated by unspaced endash; 100-9999
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d%d%d–%d%d%a?$") then -- Year range: YYYY–YY; separated by unspaced endash
--elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d%d%d?%a?$") then -- year; here accept either YYY or YYYY
--return date_string
error('Unsupported format')
return mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate(format, datedate_string)
שורה 1,681 ⟵ 1,712:
local IsValidDate, LocalDate
local DateFormat = 'j xg Y'nil
-- Set postscript default.
if not is_set (PostScript) then -- if |postscript= has not been set (Postscript is nil which is the default for {{citation}}) and