יאיר הירשפלד – הבדלי גרסאות

תוכן שנמחק תוכן שנוסף
אין תקציר עריכה
מ ←‏ספרים: ויקיזציה
שורה 59:
=== ספרים ===
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*[1]<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''Deutschland und Iran im Spielfeld der Mächte: Internationale B''eziehungen unter Reza Schach 1921-1941'', Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 1980.
*<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''A Formula for Peace: The Oslo Process, its History, and its Implementation'', Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1999.  (Hebrew)</span>
*<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''ABridge Formulaof forPaper, Peace:Right Theand OsloLeft Process,and itsin History,Between – Dialogues with Yair Hirschfeld and itsOthniel ImplementationSchneller'', Tel Aviv: Am OvedMa'ariv, 19992005.  (Hebrew)</span>
*<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''When You Have Not Decided Where To Go, No Wind Can Take You There – A Strategy To Achieve A Comprehensive Israeli-Arab Peace'', James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy, Houston Texas, February 2007.</span>
*<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''BridgeTrack ofTwo Paper,Diplomacy Righttoward andan LeftIsraeli-Palestinian andSolution, in1978-2014,'' BetweenWoodrow Wilson DialoguesCenter withPress  Yairand HirschfeldJohns andHopkins OthnielUniversity Schneller''Press, Ma'ariv, 20052014.  (Hebrew)</span>
*<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution'' (A compilation of seven essays), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College, October 2016</span</div>
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''When You Have Not Decided Where To Go, No Wind Can Take You There – A Strategy To Achieve A Comprehensive Israeli-Arab Peace'', James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy, Houston Texas, February 2007.</span>
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''Track Two Diplomacy toward an Israeli-Palestinian Solution, 1978-2014,'' Woodrow Wilson Center Press  and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.</span>
<span lang="en" dir="ltr">''Developing an Israeli Grand Strategy toward a Peaceful Two-State Solution'' (A compilation of seven essays), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College, October 2016</span</div>
{{מיון רגיל:הירשפלד, יאיר}}