Hello. You were blocked since you're operating a bot without a bot flag. I blocked you to make sure you see this message, as bot operators typically do not otherwise read their talk pages. Please respond here once you see this message and I will unblock you. You can then ask our bureaucrat, user:דוד שי to assign you a bot flag. Thanks, odedee שיחה06:50, 25 באוגוסט 2006 (IDT)תגובה

Thanks for the message. The account does run any pywikipedia script, only manual command. Zyxwvut-Bot 07:21, 26 באוגוסט 2006 (IDT)תגובה

I unblocked you, you are free to edit. If you are not actually running a bot you might want to consider using a different username... The abovementioned user can help with that, if you so wish. odedee שיחה07:27, 26 באוגוסט 2006 (IDT)תגובה