שיחת תבנית:הטלגרף/הסבה1/פלט2

לדף הבא: שיחת תבנית:הטלגרף/הסבה1/פלט3

למפרט: שיחת תבנית:הטלגרף/הסבה1

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/heroic-jewish-couple-miraculously-smuggled-527-children-safety/
J books/what-to-read/heroic-jewish-couple-miraculously-smuggled-527-children-safety/
DESC The heroic Jewish couple who miraculously smuggled 527 children to safety from WWII occupied France
AUTHOR Emma Donoghue
DATE 2019-10-05T08:00+0100

Emma Donoghue, The heroic Jewish couple who miraculously smuggled 527 children to safety from WWII occupied France, The Telegraph, ‏5 באוקטובר 2019   Emma Donoghue, ‏The heroic Jewish couple who miraculously smuggled 527 children to safety from WWII occupied France, The Telegraph, 5 October 2019

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/3666049/A-whole-new-aria-for-Damon.html
J culture/music/3666049/A-whole-new-aria-for-Damon.html
DESC A whole new aria for Damon
AUTHOR Ivan Hewett
DATE 2007-06-23T00:01+0000

Ivan Hewett (23 יוני 2007), "A whole new aria for Damon", The Daily Telegraph, London, He shows me some of the instruments in the ensemble: there's a glass harmonica, which looks like a giant ribbed glass vase tipped on one side, and an ondes Martenot, the tremulous 1920s electronic instrument. ... {{citation}}: (עזרה)   Ivan Hewett, ‏A whole new aria for Damon, The Telegraph, 23 June 2007

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/10695369/Auschwitz-guard-to-go-on-trial-in-Germany.html
J news/worldnews/europe/germany/10695369/Auschwitz-guard-to-go-on-trial-in-Germany.html
DESC Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany
AUTHOR Tony Paterson
DATE 2014-03-13T15:00+0000

Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany, The Telegraph   Tony Paterson, ‏Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany, The Telegraph, 13 March 2014

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/10695369/Auschwitz-guard-to-go-on-trial-in-Germany.html
J news/worldnews/europe/germany/10695369/Auschwitz-guard-to-go-on-trial-in-Germany.html
DESC Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany
AUTHOR Tony Paterson
DATE 2014-03-13T15:00+0000

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URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/09/15/france-may-have-apologied-atrocities-algeria-war-still-casts/
J news/2018/09/15/france-may-have-apologied-atrocities-algeria-war-still-casts/
DESC France may have apologised for atrocities in Algeria, but the war still casts a long shadow
AUTHOR Henry Samuel
DATE 2018-09-15T15:49+0100

Samuel, Henry (2018-09-15). "France may have apologised for atrocities in Algeria, but the war still casts a long shadow". The Telegraph (באנגלית בריטית). ISSN 0307-1235. ארכיון מ-2022-01-11. נבדק ב-2019-05-01.   Henry Samuel, ‏France may have apologised for atrocities in Algeria, but the war still casts a long shadow, The Telegraph, 15 September 2018

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/18/macron-loses-lead-remarks-colonial-algeria-gay-marriage-spark/
J news/2017/02/18/macron-loses-lead-remarks-colonial-algeria-gay-marriage-spark/
DESC Emmanuel Macron loses lead in French election polls after remarks on colonial Algeria and gay marriage spark outrage
AUTHOR David Chazan
DATE 2017-02-18T15:43+0000

"Emmanuel Macron loses lead in French election polls after remarks on colonial Algeria and gay marriage spark outrage". The Daily Telegraph. 18 בפברואר 2017. ארכיון מ-2022-01-11. נבדק ב-25 באפריל 2017. {{cite news}}: (עזרה)   David Chazan, ‏Emmanuel Macron loses lead in French election polls after remarks on colonial Algeria and gay marriage spark outrage, The Telegraph, 18 February 2017

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scotland/3459744/18th-Century-murder-conviction-should-be-quashed.html
J news/uknews/scotland/3459744/18th-Century-murder-conviction-should-be-quashed.html
DESC 18th Century murder conviction 'should be quashed'
AUTHOR Auslan Cramb, Scottish Correspondent
DATE 2008-11-14T16:22+0000

Auslan Cramb (14 בנובמבר 2008). "18th Century murder conviction 'should be quashed'". The Daily Telegraph. {{cite news}}: (עזרה)   Auslan Cramb, Scottish Correspondent, ‏18th Century murder conviction 'should be quashed', The Telegraph, 14 November 2008

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/google-doodle/10395706/Andre-Jacque-Garnerin-a-profile-of-the-first-parachutist.html
J technology/google/google-doodle/10395706/Andre-Jacque-Garnerin-a-profile-of-the-first-parachutist.html
DESC André-Jacque Garnerin: a profile of the first parachutist
AUTHOR Radhika Sanghani
DATE 2013-10-21T23:13+0000

André-Jacque Garnerin: a profile of the first parachutist, The Telegraph, ‏2013-10-21 (באנגלית)   Radhika Sanghani, ‏André-Jacque Garnerin: a profile of the first parachutist, The Telegraph, 21 October 2013

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/04/23/jewish-professor-barred-columbia-campus-pro-palestine-mob/
J us/news/2024/04/23/jewish-professor-barred-columbia-campus-pro-palestine-mob/
DESC Jewish professor barred from Columbia University campus as ‘pro-Hamas mob’ demonstrates
AUTHOR Raoul Simons; Rozina Sabur
DATE 2024-04-23T13:35+0100

Jewish professor barred from Columbia University campus as ‘pro-Hamas mob’ demonstrates, The Telegraph, ‏2024-04-23 (באנגלית)   Raoul Simons; Rozina Sabur, ‏Jewish professor barred from Columbia University campus as ‘pro-Hamas mob’ demonstrates, The Telegraph, 23 April 2024

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/02/15/rishi-sunaks-wife-may-hold-clue-budget/
J news/2020/02/15/rishi-sunaks-wife-may-hold-clue-budget/
DESC Why Rishi Sunak's wife may hold the clue to his budget
AUTHOR Rahul Bedi; Steve Bird
DATE 2020-02-15T18:22+0000

Bedi, Rahul; Bird, Steve (15 בפברואר 2020). "Why Rishi Sunak's wife may hold the clue to his budget". The Telegraph (באנגלית בריטית). ISSN 0307-1235. ארכיון מ-6 במרץ 2020. נבדק ב-7 באפריל 2022. {{cite news}}: (עזרה)   Rahul Bedi; Steve Bird, ‏Why Rishi Sunak's wife may hold the clue to his budget, The Telegraph, 15 February 2020

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/austria/1465206/Found-the-gun-that-shook-the-world.html
J news/worldnews/europe/austria/1465206/Found-the-gun-that-shook-the-world.html
DESC Found: the gun that shook the world
AUTHOR Kate Connolly in Berlin
DATE 2004-06-22T00:00+0000

Kate Connolly, Found: the gun that shook the world, The Telegraph   Kate Connolly, ‏Found: the gun that shook the world, The Telegraph, 22 June 2004

URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/austria/1465206/Found-the-gun-that-shook-the-world.html
J news/worldnews/europe/austria/1465206/Found-the-gun-that-shook-the-world.html
DESC Found: the gun that shook the world
AUTHOR Kate Connolly in Berlin
DATE 2004-06-22T00:00+0000

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URL https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/10/kremlin-stoking-tensions-over-israel-and-hamas-war-gaza/
J world-news/2023/12/10/kremlin-stoking-tensions-over-israel-and-hamas-war-gaza/
DESC Kremlin’s ‘doppelganger’ propaganda so convincing it is hard to tell from real news
AUTHOR Michael Murphy
DATE 2023-12-10T14:54+0000

Murphy, Michael (2023-12-10). "Kremlin's 'doppelganger' propaganda so convincing it is hard to tell from real news". The Daily Telegraph (באנגלית בריטית). ISSN 0307-1235. ארכיון מ-11 בדצמבר 2023. נבדק ב-2023-12-14. {{cite news}}: (עזרה)   Michael Murphy, ‏Kremlin’s ‘doppelganger’ propaganda so convincing it is hard to tell from real news, The Telegraph, 10 December 2023

  1. ^ Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany, The Telegraph
  2. ^   Tony Paterson, ‏Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany, The Telegraph, 13 March 2014
  3. ^ 1 2 Kate Connolly, Found: the gun that shook the world, The Telegraph שגיאת ציטוט: תג <ref> בלתי־תקין; השם "The Telegraph" הוגדר כמה פעמים עם תוכן שונה
חזרה לדף "הטלגרף/הסבה1/פלט2".